Political tensions are rising, argumentation has replaced conversation, and divisions widen. How should Anabaptists engage? How do we avoid the pull of partisan politics in order to create space for the Spirit to work reconciliation in our midst? In these short videos, we hear one perspective on how Anabaptist theology creates a way to engage the government without falling into the trap of partisan politics.
These short clips from three webinars were edited to be viewed by adult Sunday School classes or small groups. Listen to Scott’s teaching with your faith community and consider together how being a Christian shapes your political ideas—rather than the other way around.
Read about the original webinars here.
Scott Peterson is the Leadership Pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale, Arizona and a leadership coach for pastors.
Clips from Part 1:
The Framework
Anabaptist Christianity
Will & Won’t
Session 1 Q&A
Clips from Session 2:
Government vs Christian Standards
Various Views of Government
Evil Continuums
Q&A from session 2
Clips from Session 3:
Four Commitments
Q&A from session 3
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