Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec aliquam lorem. Duis nulla tellus, ornare in diam vel, fermentum viverra risus. Nam eget suscipit odio, in cursus sem. Pellentesque quam lorem, condimentum egestas mollis ut, pellentesque eget eros. Donec vitae urna malesuada, eleifend nisl rutrum, finibus lorem. Fusce eget fringilla dolor, non porta nisl. Aliquam id dolor dui. Nam iaculis augue ut libero iaculis pretium. Etiam ac turpis eu metus tempor tincidunt sed quis nisl. Duis molestie nisi ac laoreet facilisis. Nullam ut nisi dolor.
Growing to Be More Like Jesus
Coaching Cohort for Moving Youth Ministry Online
Spring 2020
In a matter of weeks, youth ministry leaders are having to change the way we connect with youth. Advice is coming at us from every direction, but how do we decide which new tools and platforms will work for our group?
Join denominational minister for faith formation Shana Peachey Boshart and several youth ministry peers for five one-hour cohort sessions. These sessions will help you identify:
- The digital tools that fit you and your group
- The right content for your youth group
- People to help you as you carry out your plan
A cohort is a group of 6-8 peers that meets regularly with a coach to work toward specific goals. This cohort will meet for an hour on Zoom every two weeks. Participants will do one hour of homework between each session. This group is offered free of charge by Mennonite Church USA. Shana is a trained coach seeking certification through the International Coaching Federation. Sign up here by April 27. The group will start in early May.