Lent is a time of purposeful turning toward God. With this free worship guide, families can slow down, be present to God, open our eyes to see what God has for us. From Shrove Tuesday through Easter Sunday, February 25 to April 12, this little booklet will help us remember God’s power over death and help us learn how to balance joy and sorrow from Jesus on the hard but worthwhile path to resurrection.
Show Us, this year’s Lent At Home booklet for families invites us to prepare by asking God to show us how to find our hidden God as well as our own safe hiding place, how to remember God’s faithful, loving presence, how to reconnect with the Rock of our salvation, how to really see.
Based on the congregational worship themes in Leader magazine, use Show Us in any of these ways:
- Print the single-page version to use in your home.
- Use the booklet version to print a booklet for each family or household in your congregation.
- Print just a week at a time on a two-sided half-sheet and insert in the bulletin or stuff in church mailboxes.
This Lenten season, we invite you to be in God’s presence and see what God has for you as you remember Jesus’ passion journey.
Through these stories, prayers and activities, may your household be drawn ever closer to the love of Jesus.
—Shana Peachey Boshart
Denominational Minister for Faith Formation and At Home Series Editor
Download your copy here (Digital/SinglePages)
Download your copy here (Print/Booklet)
Originally produced by Mennonite Church Canada, the At Home series has been a well-received resource for many households since 2002. Since 2016, this resource continues to be developed by the Anabaptist Faith Formation Network.
February 2020
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